
EZB-Coeure: „Stabiler Schwung der Erholung in der Eurozone“


EZB-Direktor Benoit Coeure versucht die Markt-Euphorie eines ausgeweiteten QE (Anleihekaufprogramm) der EZB zu bremsen. Abseits von den Aufs und Abs der einzelnen ökonomischen Daten sieht er ein nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum in der Eurozone, Zitat:

„This is being confirmed, so one month it comes from Germany, the other month from Italy. When you look through it you see a steady recovery momentum in the euro area, and that is exactly what we want to see. And then, yes, in the periphery of Europe we are seeing reforms finding their way into the economy at different paces, at different rhythms. But yes, reforms are working, they are delivering.“

weiter sagte er:

„…the whole environment is better than it was only one year ago or six months ago. We are moving out of a crisis, and the conditions are here for recovery to kick off, to accelerate, and this is understood. But now people have to create the right projects, they have to invest and they have to create jobs. And that is not something the ECB will do or can do.“

Also alles gut in der Eurozone, so kann man Coeure´s Worte interpretieren. Warum dann immer wieder die mehr als eindeutigen Anmerkungen von ihm uns einen Kollegen in den letzten Wochen die EZB werde „alles tun was notwendig ist“ um die Inflation wieder Richtung 2% zu bekommen?

Direkt darauf angesprochen, sagt Coeure es sei zu früh über ein neues QE zu sprechen. „It’s premature to discuss it. But it is certainly our duty to be prepared to cope with all kinds of contingencies.“

Aber wie ein Politiker spricht auch der Notenbanker mit gespaltener Zunge. Danach erwähnt er nämlich eindeutig, dass es wichtig sei, dass das Inflationsziel von 2% so schnell wie möglich erreicht wird, Zitat:

„Inflation expectations are well on course in the long term, so the whole discussion is about how fast they will come back to 2%, how fast inflation will come back to 2%? The faster, the better, obviously, so if the oil price were to stabilise, if that gave a sense of stability and security to economic actors, that would certainly be good news in that picture. That 2% inflation target is really the encore for the whole recovery process in the euro area. It is very important that it comes as quickly as possible.“

Quelle: EZB (Interview mit CNBC)

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