Das US-BIP (4.Quartal 2017; zweite Veröffentlichung) ist mit +2,5% ausgefallen wie erwartet (Prognose war +2,5%; Erstveröffentlichung war +2,6%).
Der Preisindex des BIP (BIP-Deflator) liegt bei 2,3% (Prognose war +2,4%; Erstveröffentlichung war +2,4%).
Die realen Konsumausgaben liegen bei +3,8% (Prognose war +3,6%; Erstveröffentlichung war +3,8%).
Dazu schreibt das Bureau of Economic Analysis des US-Handelsmiinsteriums, das die Daten erhebt:
„The increase in real GDP in the fourth quarter reflected positive contributions from personal
consumption expenditures (PCE), exports, nonresidential fixed investment, residential fixed investment,
state and local government spending, and federal government spending that were partly offset by a
negative contribution from private inventory investment. Imports, which are a subtraction in the
calculation of GDP, increased (table 2).
The deceleration in real GDP growth in the fourth quarter reflected a downturn in private inventory
investment that was partly offset by accelerations in PCE, exports, state and local government spending,
nonresidential fixed investment, and federal government spending, and an upturn in residential fixed
investment. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, turned up.
Current-dollar GDP increased 4.9 percent, or $235.9 billion, in the fourth quarter to a level of $19,736.5
billion. In the third quarter, current-dollar GDP increased 5.3 percent, or $250.6 billion (table 1 and table
The price index for gross domestic purchases increased 2.5 percent in the fourth quarter, compared
with an increase of 1.7 percent in the third quarter (table 4). The PCE price index increased 2.7 percent,
compared with an increase of 1.5 percent. Excluding food and energy prices, the PCE price index
increased 1.9 percent, compared with an increase of 1.3 percent).
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