
Aktuell: Verbrauchervertrauen Uni Michigan im Rahmen, Verkäufe neuer Häuser deutlich höher

Das Verbrauchervertrauen Uni Michigan ist in der finalen Veröffentlichung mit 98,2 im Rahmen der Erwartungen ausgefallen...


Das Verbrauchervertrauen Uni Michigan ist in der finalen Veröffentlichung mit 98,2 im Rahmen der Erwartungen ausgefallen (Prognose war 98,0 wie Erstveröffentlichung, Vormonat November war bei 93,8).

Die Einschätzung der aktuellen Lage liegt bei 111,9 (Prognose war 112,0, Erstveröffentlichung war 112,1)

Die Konjunkturerwartungen liegen bei 59,5 (Prognose war 89,0 nach 88,9 in der Erstveröffentlichung).

Dazu schreibt der Chefvolkswirt der Uni Michigan, Richard Curtin:

While the surge in confidence following Trump’s surprise election ended by mid December, it nonetheless led to the highest level of the Sentiment Index since January 2004. Compared with the rapid gains made in late November and early December, the Sentiment Index was barely higher than at mid month and barely higher than the January 2015 peak — in both cases, just two-tenths of a point — but that small difference was enough to establish a twelve year peak. An all-time record number of consumers (18%) spontaneously mentioned the expected favorable impact of Trump’s policies on the economy. This was twice as high as the prior peak (9%) recorded in 1981 when Reagan took office. To be sure, nearly as many consumers referred unfavorably to anticipated changes in economic policies, but those references were less than half as frequent as the peak level recorded just three years ago (16% vs. 37%). Consumers anticipated that a stronger economy would create more jobs, although expected wage gains were quite meager. Smaller income gains were offset by record low inflation expectations. Needless to say, the overall gain in confidence was based on anticipated policy changes, with specific details as yet unknown. Such favorable expectations could help jump-start growth before the actual enactment of policy changes, and form higher performance standards that will be used to judge the Trump presidency.

Die Verkäufe neuer Häuser in den USA liegen bei 5,2% (Prognose war +2,1% nach -1,9% im Vormonat) bei einem Volumen von 592.000.

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