Die wichtigsten Aussagen vom Protokoll der letzten Fed-Sitzung:
– viele Mitglieder sehen größere Notwendigkeit für Zinssenkung aufgrund gestiegener Risiken, andere sahen das anders
– Risiken haben zugenommen: „Many participants noted that they viewed the risks to their growth and inflation projections… as shifting notably over recent weeks and that risks were now weighted to the downside“
– Handelskrieg ein wichtiger Faktor: „Escalation of trade tensions and soft economic data also weighed on foreign financial markets“
– einige warnende Stimmen: „A few participants expressed the view that with the economy still in a favorable position in terms of the dual mandate, an easing of policy in an attempt to increase inflation a few tenths of a percentage point risked overheating the labor markets and fueling financial imbalances.“
FMW: In der Summe ziemlich pessimistisch in Sachen Abwärtsrisiken, das bemerken jetzt auch die Märkte und fragen sich: weiß die Fed mehr als wir?
'Many' Fed officials said in June they'd be willing to cut interest rates if uncertainty still weighs on outlook, minutes show https://t.co/g0Pb5LrI43 pic.twitter.com/rZ9PwxVmU0
— Bill Watts (@wlwatts) July 10, 2019
FOMC Minutes Show "Many Fed Officials" See Rate-Cuts Warranted https://t.co/ytnIssaw3E
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) July 10, 2019
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