Der Philadelphia Fed Index (November) ist mit -19,4 deeutlich schwächer ausgefallen als erwartet (Prognose war -6,2; Vormonat war -8,7)
Die Komponenten:
Beschäftigung: 7,1 (Vormonat war 28,5)
Neue Aufträge: -16,2 (Vormonat war -15,9)
Preise: 35,3 (also Preise weiter rückläufig, da Werte unter 50 Kontraktion bedeuten; Vormonat war 36,9)
Dazu schreibt die Philadelphia Fed:
Manufacturing activity in the region continued to decline, according to the firms responding to the November Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey. The general activity index declined further, the new orders index remained negative, and the shipments index remained positive but low. The employment index declined but continued to suggest overall hiring, and the price indexes continued to suggest overall increases. Although the survey’s future indexes rose slightly, they continued to suggest that the firms expect overall declines in activity and new orders six months from now.
Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index in the United States decreased to -19.40 points in November from -8.70 points in October of 2022.
— Trading Economics (@tEconomics) November 17, 2022
Philly Fed Prices Paid in the United States decreased to 35.30 points in November from 36.30 points in October of 2022.
— Trading Economics (@tEconomics) November 17, 2022
Philly Fed New Orders in the United States decreased to -16.20 points in November from -15.90 points in October of 2022.
— Trading Economics (@tEconomics) November 17, 2022
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