Soeben wurde der Einkaufsmanagerindex für die USA (S&P Global PMI für Dezember) veröffentlicht – einer der besten Gradmesser für die Wirtschaft der USA:
Gesamtindex: 56,6 (Vormonat war 54,9) – 33-Monatshoch
Dienstleistungen: 58,5 (Prognose war 55,7; Vormonat war 56,1) – 38-Monatshoch
Verarbeitendes Gewerbe: 48,3 (Prognose 49,4; Vormonat war 49,7) -3-Monatstief
Marktreaktion: Renditen steigen weiter, ebenso der Dollar – US-Aktienmärkte wenig verändert..
Dazu schreibt S&P Global, das die Daten erhoben hat:
Flash US PMI® survey data signaled a further acceleration of economic growth in December, with output rising at the steepest rate for 33 months. Firms‘ expectations of output in the coming year also lifted higher, hitting a two-and-a-half year high, reflecting growing optimism about business conditions under the incoming Trump administration.
Employment also edged higher, up for the first time in five months, as firms expanded workforce numbers amid the brighter outlook.
However, growth remained heavily skewed toward the service sector, where an acceleration of growth contrasted with a steepening decline in manufacturing. The goods-producing
sector also reported a slight pull-back in future expectations, in part reflecting worries over the impact of tariffs and inflation.
Raw material cost growth spiked sharply higher in the manufacturing sector, though a further cooling of cost growth in the service sector helped to lessen overall inflationary pressures in terms of both overall costs and selling prices.
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