
US-Verbrauchervertrauen (Conference Board) bricht ein

Das US-Verbrauchervertrauen (Conference Board; August) ist mit 113,9 schwächer ausgefallen als erwartet ( Prognose war 124,0; Vormonat war 129,1). Das ist der schwächste Wert seit Februar!

Die Erwartung liegt bei 91,4 (Vormonat war 108,4)

Die Einschätzung der aktuellen Lage liegt bei 147,3 (Vormonat war 160,3)

Dazu schreibt das Conference Board:

„Consumer confidence retreated in August to its lowest level since February 2021(95.2),“ said Lynn Franco, Senior Director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board. „Concerns about the Delta variant-and, to a lesser degree, rising gas and food prices-resulted in a less favorable view of current economic conditions and short-term growth prospects. Spending intentions for homes, autos, and major appliances all cooled somewhat; however, the percentage of consumers intending to take a vacation in the next six months continued to climb. While the resurgence of COVID-19 and inflation concerns have dampened confidence, it is too soon to conclude this decline will result in consumers significantly curtailing their spending in the months ahead.“

Consumer Confidence

Grafik: Conference Board

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