Soeben wurde vom Conference Board das US-Verbrauchervertrauen für den Monat November veröffentlicht.
Der Indexwert wurde soeben gemeldet mit 111,7 Punkten (Erwartung lag bei 111,8 / Vormonat 108,7, jetzt revidiert auf 109,6).
Die Aussagen des Conference Board zeigen eine weiter robuste US-Konjunktur: “Consumer confidence continued to improve in November and reached the top of the range that has prevailed over the past two years,” said Dana M. Peterson, Chief Economist at The Conference Board. “November’s increase was mainly driven by more positive consumer assessments of the present situation, particularly regarding the labor market. Compared to October, consumers were also substantially more optimistic about future job availability, which reached its highest level in almost three years. Meanwhile, consumers’ expectations about future business conditions were unchanged and they were slightly less positive about future income.”
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