"Stärke der Wirtschaft steht in Frage" USA: Giftiger Cocktail – Wirtschaft schwächer, steigender Kostendruck

Wirtschaft USA Einkaufsmanagerindex August

Soeben wurde der Einkaufsmanagerindex für die USA (S&P Global PMI; August) veröffentlicht – einer der besten Gradmesser für die US-Wirtschaft:

Verarbeitendes Gewerbe: 47,5 (schwächster Wert seit zwei Monaten; Prognose war 49,3; Vormonat war 49,0) – damit ist der Sektor auch in den USA noch tiefer in der Rezession!

Dienstleistung: 51,0 (schwächster Wert seit fsechs Monaten; Prognose war 52,3; Vormonat war 52,3)

Gesamtindex: 50,4 (schwächster Wert seit sechs Monaten; Prognose war 52,0; Vormonat war 54,4)

Dazu schreibt S&P Global, das die Daten erhoben hat:

„US firms signalled a slower rise in output during August, as activity teetered near stagnation across the private sector. Manufacturers dipped back into contraction as production fell again, while service providers saw growth slow to the weakest since February. Subdued client demand drove the slowdown across the economy, as total new orders declined for the first time in six months. Contractions in new orders were seen at manufacturers and service providers alike. Meanwhile, cost pressures regained some momentum as the rate of input price inflation quickened on the back of greater fuel, wage and raw material costs. Efforts to remain competitive and drive sales stifled the pace of selling price inflation, however, which softened from that seen in July.“

Und Chris Williamson, Chefvolkswirt bei S&P Global kommentiert: Stärke der Wirtschaft stehe in Frage

“A near-stalling of business activity in August raisesdoubts over the strength of US economic growth in the third quarter. The survey shows that the service sector led acceleration of growth in the second quarter has faded, accompanied by a further fall in factory output. “Companies report that demand is looking increasingly lethargic in the face of high prices and rising interest rates. A resultant fall in new orders received by firms in August could tip output into contraction in September as firms adjust operating capacity in line with the deteriorating demand environment. Hiring could likewise soon turn into job shedding in the coming months after a near-stagnation of employment in August.
Rising wage pressures as well as increased energy prices have meanwhile pushed input cost inflation higher, which will raise concerns over the stickiness of consumer price inflation in the months ahead. One upside is that weak demand is starting to limit pricing power, which should help keep a lid on inflation around the 3% mark.”

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