
Citigroup-Quartalszahlen: Umsatz rückläufig, Gewinn besser

Die Citigroup-Quartalszahlen wurden soeben veröffentlicht. Hier die wichtigsten Kennzahlen.

Der Umsatz liegt bei 18,58 Milliarden Dollar (Vorjahresquartal 18,87/erwartet 18,7).

Der Gewinn liegt bei 1,87 Dollar pro Aktie (Vorjahresquartal 1,68/erwartet 1,8).

Selbes Muster wie bei Goldman. Umsatz rückläufig, Gewinn pro Aktie rauf!

Wie bei Goldman macht man die rückläufigen Kapitalmarktumsätze für den schwächeren Gesamtumsatz verantwortlich. Zitat auszugsweise:

Revenues decreased 2% from the prior-year period, including the impact of a $150 million gain on the sale of the Hilton portfolio in North America Global Consumer Banking (GCB) in the prior-year period. Excluding this gain6, revenues decreased 1% from the prior-year period largely driven by lower revenues in Equity Markets as well as mark-to-market losses on loan hedges7, both in the Institutional Clients Group (ICG), and the continued wind-down of legacy assets in Corporate / Other.

Die Aktie notiert vorbörslich mit +0,1%.

Der Citi CEO im Wortlaut zu den Zahlen:

Citi CEO Michael Corbat said, “Our earnings reflect the progress we are making to improve our return on and return of capital. Both our consumer and institutional businesses performed well and we saw good momentum in those areas where we have been investing, such as U.S. Branded Cards, Treasury and Trade Solutions, and Investment Banking. Importantly, our strategy in North America consumer banking is showing good early results as we introduce new products and engage with a broader range of customers, through digital channels.

“We increased our Return on Tangible Common Equity to 11.9%, had positive operating leverage for the tenth consecutive quarter and had strong growth in both loans and deposits in our core businesses. We returned over $5 billion to our shareholders during the quarter, contributing to the 11% increase in our earnings per share from a year ago. We further reduced our common shares outstanding, down 9% from a year ago, while maintaining our Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio at 11.9%. We remain committed to executing our strategy and continuing to make steady progress towards our financial targets,” Mr. Corbat concluded.

Der Sockel des Citigroup Center in New York. Eines der markantesten Bürogebäude der Stadt, weil die 59 Stockwerke auf drei großen Stelzen stehen. Foto: Tdorante10 CC BY-SA 4.0

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