
Aktuell: EZB-Entscheidung veröffentlicht

EZB-Tower in Frankfurt

Die EZB hat soeben ihre Entscheidung veröffentlicht.

Der EZB-Leitzins (Refinanzierungssatz) bleibt unverändert bei 0,00 Prozent. Der extrem wichtige Banken-Einlagenzins, auf den sich Banken bzgl. der Negativzinsen berufen, bleibt ebenfalls unverändert bei -0,50 Prozent. Die Marginal Lending Facility bleibt ebenfalls unverändert bei 0,25 Prozent.

Die Aufkauf- und Liquiditätsprogramme (PEPP, APP und TLTRO III) laufen wie bisher weiter.

Um 14:30 Uhr folgt die PK von Christine Lagarde. Wir berichten dann umgehend über alle interessanten Aussagen. Hier das offizielle Statement der EZB zur jetzigen Entscheidung:

(2) The Governing Council will continue its purchases under the pandemic emergency purchase programme (PEPP) with a total envelope of €1,350 billion. These purchases contribute to easing the overall monetary policy stance, thereby helping to offset the downward impact of the pandemic on the projected path of inflation. The purchases will continue to be conducted in a flexible manner over time, across asset classes and among jurisdictions. This allows the Governing Council to effectively stave off risks to the smooth transmission of monetary policy. The Governing Council will conduct net asset purchases under the PEPP until at least the end of June 2021 and, in any case, until it judges that the coronavirus crisis phase is over. The Governing Council will reinvest the principal payments from maturing securities purchased under the PEPP until at least the end of 2022. In any case, the future roll-off of the PEPP portfolio will be managed to avoid interference with the appropriate monetary policy stance.

(3) Net purchases under the asset purchase programme (APP) will continue at a monthly pace of €20 billion, together with the purchases under the additional €120 billion temporary envelope until the end of the year. The Governing Council continues to expect monthly net asset purchases under the APP to run for as long as necessary to reinforce the accommodative impact of its policy rates, and to end shortly before it starts raising the key ECB interest rates. The Governing Council intends to continue reinvesting, in full, the principal payments from maturing securities purchased under the APP for an extended period of time past the date when it starts raising the key ECB interest rates, and in any case for as long as necessary to maintain favourable liquidity conditions and an ample degree of monetary accommodation.

(4) The Governing Council will also continue to provide ample liquidity through its refinancing operations. In particular, the third series of targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTRO III) remains an attractive source of funding for banks, supporting bank lending to firms and households.

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