
Aktuell: US-Einkaufsmanagerindizes

Soeben wurden die Einkaufsmanagerindizes der USA veröffentlicht (Markit PMI; November):

Verarbeitendes Gewerbe 52,2 (Prognose war 51,5; Vormonat war 51,3)

Dienstleistung 51,6 (Prognose war 51,0; Vormonat war 50,6)

Gesamtindex 51,9 (Prognose war 51,9; Vormonat war 50,9)

Dazu kommentiert Chris Williamson von Markit:

„A welcome upturn in the headline index from the flash PMI adds to evidence that the worst of the economy’s recent soft patch may be behind us. Output of the combined manufacturing and service sectors rose in November at the fastest rate since July, spurred by improved inflows of new business. Encouragingly, firms took on staff again after two months of headcount reductions, primarily to help deal with rising backlogs of work. “A recovery of manufacturing production growth to a ten-month high is especially welcome news, helping to lift service sector activity growth from recent lows. “However, although improving, the picture of current business conditions remains subdued by standards seen over the past decade and the business mood sombre in relation to prospects for the year ahead. The latest survey results are indicative of GDP rising at a modest annualised rate of just 1.5%, with payrolls rising at a monthly clip of approximately 100,000.“ Although up on lows seen in the summer, business expectations for the future are still well below levels seen earlier in the year, reflecting heightened anxiety regarding trade wars and geopolitical uncertainty, as well as recent low customer enquiry numbers and the weakness of new sales volumes.”

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1 Kommentar

  1. Die Daten schauen gut aus. Dann kann es weiter up gehen. Wenn jetzt ein Handelsabschluss kommt und sei es nur, dass beide Parteien ein leeres Blatt Papier unterschreiben, dann explodiert der Markt bis Ende April, Anfang Mai.

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