
Aktuell: US-Einkaufsmanagerindizes mit historischem Absturz

Soeben wurde der Einkaufsmanagerindex für die USA (Markit PMI; April) veröffentlicht:

Verarbeitendes Gewerbe: 36,9 (tiefster Stand seit 133 Monaten; Prognose war 38,0; Vormonat war 48,5)

Dienstleistung: 27,0 (Allzeittief; Prognose war 31,5; Vormonat war 39,8)

Gesamtindex: 27,4 (schlechtester Wert seit Oktober 2008; Vormonat war 40,9)

Dazu kommentiert Chris Williamson von Markit:

“The COVID-19 outbreak dealt a blow to the US economy of a ferocity not previously seen in recent history during April. The deterioration in the flash PMI numbers indicates a rate of contraction exceeding that seen even at the height of the global financial
crisis, with jobs also being slashed at a rate far exceeding anything previously recorded by the survey.
“The large swathe of non-essential business that has been shut down temporarily amid efforts to contain the virus means the blow has been most heavily felt in the service sector, and especially for consumerfacing companies in the recreation and travel industries. Those companies still actively trading meanwhile reported the steepest drop in demand seen since data were first available, and are also struggling against twin headwinds of staff shortagesand supply chain delays. “The scale of the fall in the PMI adds to signs that the second quarter will see an historically dramatic contraction of the economy, and will add to worries about the ultimate cost of the fight against the pandemic.”

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