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Arbeitsmarkt USA: JOLTs wie erwartet, Arbeitsmarkt bleibt stark

Arbeitsmarkt USA JOLTs Februar
Foto: DejaVu Designs -

Neue Daten vom Arbeitsmarkt der USA: Die JOLTs (angebotene Stellen in den USA im Februar) liegen mit 8,756 Millionen im Rahmen der Erwartung (Prognose war 8,760 Millionen; Vormonat war 8,863 Millionen, nun aber auf 8,748 Millionen nach unten revidiert).

Damit bleibt es dabei, dass es deutlich mehr offene Stellen als Arbeitssuchende gibt in den USA.

Marktreaktion: Die Daten ziemlich exakt wie erwartet, Renditen erst weiter nach oben, dann wieder nach unten, US-Futures mitmleichtere Erholung..

Dazu das Bureau of Labor Statistics:

The number of job openings changed little at 8.8 million on the last business day of February, the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, the number of hires and total separations
were little changed at 5.8 million and 5.6 million, respectively. Within separations, quits (3.5 million)
and layoffs and discharges (1.7 million) changed little. This release includes estimates of the number
and rate of job openings, hires, and separations for the total nonfarm sector, by industry, and by
establishment size class.

Job Openings

On the last business day of February, the number of job openings changed little at 8.8 million; this
measure is down from a series high of 12.2 million in March 2022. The rate was 5.3 percent for the third
month in a row. In February, job openings increased in finance and insurance (+126,000); state and local
government, excluding education (+91,000); and arts, entertainment, and recreation (+51,000). Job
openings decreased in information (-85,000) and in federal government (-21,000). (See table 1.)


In February, the number and rate of hires were little changed at 5.8 million and 3.7 percent,
respectively. Hires decreased in durable goods manufacturing (-44,000). (See table 2.)


Total separations include quits, layoffs and discharges, and other separations. Quits are generally
voluntary separations initiated by the employee. Therefore, the quits rate can serve as a measure of
workers’ willingness or ability to leave jobs. Layoffs and discharges are involuntary separations initiated
by the employer. Other separations include separations due to retirement, death, disability, and transfers
to other locations of the same firm.

The number of total separations in February changed little at 5.6 million. The rate was unchanged at
3.5 percent. Over the month, the number of total separations increased in arts, entertainment, and
recreation (+64,000) but decreased in transportation, warehousing, and utilities (-62,000).

In February, the number of quits was little changed at 3.5 million, and the rate was 2.2 percent for the
fourth consecutive month.

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