
Citigroup hat Quartalszahlen veröffentlicht – kurz und knapp

Die Citigroup hat soeben ihre Quartalszahlen veröffentlicht. Hier in Kurzform die wichtigsten Daten wie Umsatz und Gewinn.

New York Downtown

Die Citigroup hat vor wenigen Minuten ihre Quartalszahlen verkündet. Hier die wichtigsten Fakten. Der Umsatz für das dritte Quartal liegt bei 18,5 Milliarden Dollar (Vorjahresquartal 17,45 / für heute erwartet 18,25). Der Gewinn pro Aktie beträgt 1,63 Dollar (Vorjahresquartal 2,15 / für heute erwartet 1,42 ). Die Aktie reagiert vorbörslich mit -1,7 Prozent. Wie ich es vorhin bereits zu den Zahlen von JPM und Wells Fargo kommentiert hatte, so sieht man es auch bei Citi: Gewinn geringer als im Vorjahr, aber über der (reduzierten) Erwartung.

CEO-Kommentar im Wortlaut:

Citi CEO Jane Fraser said, “We are intensely focused on supporting our clients and executing our strategy. We have made good progress on many of the core business drivers we laid out at Investor Day, despite the complex macro environment. Treasury and Trade Solutions saw revenues up 40% year-over-year, with growth across all segments, and Securities Services was up 15%. In Fixed Income, we matched last year’s showing through our strength in FX, while Equities came in lower than last year. Banking was the business most adversely impacted by the macro environment with reduced deal flows and a lower appetite for M&A. While the backdrop for wealth management was difficult, our revenues were up outside of Asia. U.S. Personal Banking further solidified its growth trajectory with double digit revenue growth in both of our cards businesses.

“We continue to shrink our operations in and exposure to Russia and we will be ending nearly all of the institutional banking services we offer next quarter. To be clear, our intention is to wind down our presence in this country.

“We returned $1 billion in capital to our shareholders and ended the quarter with a CET1 ratio of 12.2%, as we actively managed our RWA to improve the returns we generate for our shareholders. Given the strength of our balance sheet, capital levels and liquidity, we are well positioned to help our clients navigate very challenging markets and slower growth,” Ms. Fraser concluded.

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