Interessantes aus der Presse

Kernaussagen des Fed-Protokolls in Stichworten

– Zinserhöhung im Juni nicht ausgeschlossen, aber unwahrscheinlich

– Mehrheit erwartet Konjunkturerholung nach schwachem 1Q

– Schwache US-Daten haben Unsicherheit für Ausblick erhöht


Hier die zentrale Passage des Protokolls im Hinblick auf Zinserhöhungen:


„Although participants expressed different views about the
likely timing and pace of policy firming, they agreed that the Committee’s
decision to begin firming would appropriately depend on the incoming data and
their implications for the economic outlook. A few anticipated that the
information that would accrue by the time of the June meeting would likely
indicate sufficient improvement in the economic outlook to lead the Committee to
judge that its conditions for beginning policy firming had been met. Many
participants, however, thought it unlikely that the data available in June would
provide sufficient confirmation that the conditions for raising the target range
for FF had been satisfied, although they generally did not rule out this
possibility. Participants discussed the merits of providing an explicit
indication, in postmeeting statements released prior to the commencement of
policy firming, that the target range for FF would likely be raised in the near
term. However, most participants felt that the timing of the first increase in
the target FF rate would approp be determined on a meeting-by-meeting basis.“

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1 Kommentar

  1. Alle sind genauso schlau wie vorher, das Hütchenspiel geht weiter. Nur wage Andeutungen nichts konkretes, eigentlich wie immer, alles bleibt wie es ist.

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