
US-Wirtschaft: Einkaufsmanagerindizes gemixt, Preise weiter extrem hoch, „nicht sicher, dass Inflation abebbt“

Soeben wurde die Einkaufsmanagerindizes für die USA (Markit PMI; Juni) veröffentlicht – einer der besten Gradmesser für die US-Wirtschaft:

Verarbeitendes Gewerbe: 62,6 (Prognose war 61,5; Vormonat war 62,1)

Dienstleistung: 64,8 (Prognose war 70,0; Vormonat war 70,4)

Gesamtindex: 63,9 (Vormonat war 68,7)

Dazu schreibt Markit, das die Daten erhebt:

„Price pressures also remained elevated in June. The rate of input price inflation softened slightly but was the second-fastest on record. Manufacturers continued to note rapid increases in raw material and fuel costs, whilst service providers highlighted higher wage bills to attract workers plus greater transportation fees and fuel costs.“

“The early PMI indicators point to further impressive growth of the US economy in June, rounding off an unprecedented growth spurt over the second quarteras a whole. “While both output growth and inflows of new orders have come off their peaks in both manufacturing and
services, this is as much due to capacity constraints limiting firms’ abilities to cope with demand rather than any cooling of the economy.
“Although price gauges have also slipped from May’s all-time highs, it’s clear that the economy continues to run very hot. Prices charged for goods and services are still rising very sharply, record supply shortages are getting worse rather than better, firms are fighting to fill vacancies and manufacturers’ warehouse stocks are being depleted at a worrying rate as firms struggle to meet demand. “While the second quarter will likely represent a peaking in the pace of economic growth, a concomitant peaking of inflation is far less assured.”

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1 Kommentar

  1. …das sind ja mal krass eindeutige Worte von Markit…eindeutiger geht es eigentlich nicht…

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