
Wells Fargo-Quartalszahlen: Rückläufiges Geschäft, Gewinnerwartung übertroffen

Soeben wurden Wells Fargo-Quartalszahlen veröffentlicht. Hier die wichtigsten Kennzahlen.

Der Umsatz liegt bei 20,98 Milliarden Dollar (Vorjahresquartal 22,05/Erwartungen 21,4).

Der Gewinn liegt bei 1,21 Dollar pro Aktie (Vorjahresquartal 1,16/Erwartungen 1,17).

Einlagen sinken um 3%.

Kredite sinken um 1%.

Die Aktie notiert vorbörslich mit -0,17%.

Wells Fargo hat nach diversen Skandalen immer noch Probleme. Der Transformationsprozes laufe gut, so der CEO. Zitat:

Chief Executive Officer Tim Sloan said, “I’m proud of the transformational changes we made at Wells Fargo during 2018 including significant progress on our six goals. We have made meaningful improvements to how we manage risk across the company, particularly operational and compliance risk. We improved customer service which resulted in both ‘Customer Loyalty’ and ‘Overall Satisfaction with Most Recent Visit’ branch survey scores reaching a 24-month high in December. Our voluntary team member attrition in 2018 improved to its lowest level in six years reflecting our efforts to make Wells Fargo a better place to work, and we continue to attract impressive leaders from outside the company. We launched many customer-focused innovations including our online mortgage application, Control TowerSM, Pay with Wells Fargo, and our new Propel® Card. Our commitment to building stronger communities was demonstrated by exceeding our target of donating $400 million to communities across the U.S., and a recent example was our Holiday Food Bank program which provided over 50 million meals during the holidays. Our focus on delivering long-term shareholder value included meeting our 2018 expense target and returning a record $25.8 billion to shareholders in 2018, up 78% from 2017. I want to thank our team members for their commitment to making Wells Fargo a better bank in 2018. I’m confident that we’ll continue to make Wells Fargo even better in 2019.”

Eine historische Wells Fargo-Postkutsche. Foto: Claudia Brauer CC BY 2.0

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