
Aktuell: ISM Index besser


Der ISM Index (Gewerbe) ist mit 53,2 besser ausgefallen als erwartet (Prognose war 51,4; Mai war 51,3).

Die Unterkomponenten durchweg besser, die Preise gehen etwas zurück:

– Produktion Juni 54,7 (Mai: 52,6)

– Preise Juni 60,5 (Mai: 63,5)

– Beschäftigung Juni 50,4 (Mai: 49,2)

– Auftragseingang Juni 57,0 (Mai: 55,7)

Dazu ISM:

„June PMI registered 53.2 percent, an increase of 1.9 percentage points from the May reading of 51.3 percent. The New Orders Index registered 57 percent, an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the May reading of 55.7 percent. The Production Index registered 54.7 percent, 2.1 percentage points higher than the May reading of 52.6 percent. The Employment Index registered 50.4 percent, an increase of 1.2 percentage points from the May reading of 49.2 percent. Inventories of raw materials registered 48.5 percent, an increase of 3.5 percentage points from the May reading of 45 percent. The Prices Index registered 60.5 percent, a decrease of 3 percentage points from the May reading of 63.5 percent, indicating higher raw materials prices for the fourth consecutive month. Manufacturing registered growth in June for the fourth consecutive month, as 12 of our 18 industries reported an increase in new orders in June (down from 14 in May), and 12 of our 18 industries reported an increase in production in June (same as in May).“

Die US-Bauausgaben sind dagegen um -0,8% gefallen (Prognose war +0,7%)

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