
Aktuell: OECD senkt Wachstumsprognose – schwacher Welthandel durch Handelskrieg zusätzlich negativ beeinflußt

Die OECD hat vor weinigen Minuten ihren Ausblick für das globale BIP gesenkt und vor den negativen Auswirkungen des Handelskrieges gewarnt!

Besonders schwach zeigt sich derzeit der Welthandel – und der Handelskrieg dürfte das noch verschärfen, so die OECD:

(Grafik: OECD)


Noch im März war die OECD von einem globalen Wachstum von +3,3% ausgegangen, nun senkt man die Erwartung (wenig dramatisch!) auf +3,2%.


Hier die Prognose der OECD für die einzlenen Wirtschaftsräume:


(Grafik: OECD)


Dazu die OECD im Wortlaut mit einer klaren Warnung vor den negativen Folgen des Handelskriegs für das globale Wachstum:


„Global growth slowed sharply in late 2018 and is now stabilising at a moderate level. Escalating trade conflicts and dangerous financial vulnerabilities threaten a new weakening of activity by undermining investment and confidence worldwide, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook.

The global economy is expected to achieve moderate but fragile growth over the coming two years. Vulnerabilities stem from trade tensions, high policy uncertainty, risks in financial markets and a slowdown in China, all of which could further curb strong and sustainable medium-term growth worldwide.

The OECD projects that the global economy will grow by 3.2 per cent in 2019 and 3.4 per cent in 2020. The Outlook includes downward revisions for many major economies and warns that current growth rates are insufficient to bring about major improvements in employment or living standards.

The Outlook identifies continuing trade tensions as the principal factor weighing on the world economy. It notes that world trade – a key artery of the global economy – is projected to grow by just over 2% this year, which would be the lowest rate in a decade. It underlines that the current cycle of trade disputes is hurting manufacturing, disrupting global value chains and generating significant uncertainty that is weighing on investment decisions, and highlights the risk of further disruption.

China remains key to global economic growth, according to the Outlook. Significant fiscal policy stimulus has buffered the economy as it rebalances from investment and export-led growth to a more domestic footing. A sharper slowdown than already seen in China would pose important risks to both global growth and trade prospects.

“The fragile global economy is being destabilised by trade tensions,” said OECD Chief Economist Laurence Boone, launching the Outlook during the annual OECD Forum in Paris. “Growth is stabilising but the economy is weak and there are very serious risks on the horizon. Governments need to work harder together to ensure a return to stronger and more sustainable growth,” Ms Boone said. Read the speech by the OECD Secretary-General.“

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