
Aktuell: US-Einkaufsmanagerindizes – „lange Zeit der Heilung“

Soeben wurde der Einkaufsmanagerindex für die USA (Markit PMI; Juni) veröffentlicht:

Verarbeitendes Gewerbe: 49,6 (Prognose war 48,0; Vormonat war 39,8)

Dienstleistung: 46,7 (Prognose war 46,5; Vormonat war 37,5)

Gesamtindex: 46, 8(Vormonat war 37,0)

Dazu kommentiert Chris Williamson von Markit:


“The flash PMI data showed the US economic downturn abating markedly in June. The second quarter started with an alarming rate of collapse but output and jobs are now falling at far more modest rates in both the manufacturing and service sectors. The improvement will fuel hopes that the economy can return to growth in the third quarter.
“However, although brief, the downturn has been fiercer than anything seen previously, leaving a deep scar which will take a long time to heal. We anticipate that the US economy will contract by just over 8% in 2020. The coming months will therefore see the focus turn to just how much recovery momentum the economy can muster to recoup this lost output.
“Any return to growth will be prone to losing momentum due to persistent weak demand for many goods and services, linked in turn to ongoing social distancing, high unemployment and uncertainty about the outlook, curbing spending by businesses and households. The recovery could also be derailed by new waves of virus infections. Continual vigilance by the Fed, US Treasury and health authorities will therefore be required to keep any recovery on track.”

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1 Kommentar

  1. Long Time = V ???
    Neue Theorie? Albert Einstein lebt !

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