
Aktuell: US-Verbraucherstimmung Uni Michigan besser – Wende der Fed und ende des government shutdowns

Die US-Verbraucherstimmung Uni Michigan (1.Veröffentlichung für Februar) ist mit 95,5 besser ausgefallen als erwartet (Prognose war 93,3; Vormonat war 91,1).

Die Einschätzung der aktuellen Lage liegt bei 110,0 (Prognose war 112,1; Vormonat war 108,8)

Die Konjunkturerwatung liegt bei 86,2 (Prognose war 84,5; Vormonat war 79,9)

Dazu schreint Richard Curtin, der die Umfrage verantwortet:

„The early February gains reflect the end of the partial government shutdown as well as a more fundamental shift in consumer expectations due to the Fed’s pause in raising interest rates. The lingering impact of the shutdown was responsible for some of the negative economic evaluations, and, at the time that these interviews were conducted, uncertainty about whether a second shutdown would occur continued to have a slight depressing impact on confidence. Although the majority of consumers expected some additional rate hikes during the year ahead, that proportion has shrunk to the smallest level in the past two years. Perhaps more importantly, consumers‘ long term inflation expectations fell to the lowest level recorded in the past half century. While nominal income expectations remained at modest levels, consumers more frequently expected gains in their inflation-adjusted incomes in early February than at any other time in more than fifteen years (see the chart). The data indicate that personal consumption expenditures will remain the strongest sector in the national economy in 2019–up by 2.7% compared with a GDP gain of 2.2%. The data suggest that the Fed will find it even harder to justify another rate hike given the record low inflation expectations; the data will also add to the debate about the evolving relationship between unemployment and inflation as consumers now anticipate lower inflation and higher unemployment.“

Von Andreas Faessler – Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50681126

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  1. Stimmung steigt, Erwartungen steigen, die Laune steigt, die Märkte steigen, Schulden steigen, Preise steigen, Steuern steigen, Umfragewerte steigen, nur Renten steigen nicht. Wer zu hoch steigt, wird umso tiefer fallen, wie uns schon der gute alte Daidalos vor langer Zeit gelehrt hat.

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