
Aktuell: Verbraucherstimmung Uni Michigan schwächer – Trump-Euphorie verpufft, Demokraten depressiv


Die Verbraucherstimmung Uni Michigan (Survey of Consumers University of Michigan) ist mit 95,7 schwächer ausgefallen als erwartet (Prognose war 97,9; Vormonat war 98,5)

Während die Eischätzung der aktuellen Lage (current economic conditions) mit 111,2 leicht besser ist als erwartet (Prognose 110,9), bricht die Konjunkturerwartung mit 85,7 (Prognose war 89,0; Vormonat war noch 90,3) stark ein! Und der Grund dafür: die Anhänger der Demokraten sind geradezu depressiv.

So schreibt Chefvolkswirt Richard Curtin: „the Democrat’s Expectations Index is close to its historic low (indicating recession) and the Republican’s Expectations Index is near its historic high (indicating expansion)“.

Also totale Spaltung der Gesellschaft in ihrer Sicht auf die Dinge.

Hier die vollständige Einschätzung von Richard Curtin:

Consumer confidence retreated from the decade-peak recorded in January, with the decline centered in the Expectations Index. To be sure, confidence remains quite favorable, with only five higher readings in the past decade. Importantly, the data do not reflect any closing of the partisan divide. The Michigan survey includes several free-response questions which ask respondents to answer in their own words, without any prompting or proposed answer categories. When asked to describe any recent news that they had heard about the economy, 30% spontaneously mentioned some favorable aspect of Trump’s policies, and 29% unfavorably referred to Trump’s economic policies. Thus a total of nearly six-in-ten consumers made a positive or negative mention of government policies. In the long history of the surveys, this total had never reached even half that amount, except for five surveys in 2013 and 2014 that were solely dominated by negative references to the debt and fiscal cliff crises. Moreover, never before have these spontaneous references to economic policies had such a large impact on the Sentiment Index: a difference of 37 Index points between those that referred to favorable and unfavorable policies. These differences are troublesome: the Democrat’s Expectations Index is close to its historic low (indicating recession) and the Republican’s Expectations Index is near its historic high (indicating expansion). While currently distorted by partisanship, the best bet is that the gap will narrow to match a more moderate pace of growth. Nonetheless, it has been long known that negative rather than positive expectations are more influential in determining spending, so forecasts of consumer expenditures must take into account a higher likelihood of asymmetric downside risks.

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