Interessantes aus der Presse

Das Statement der Eurogruppe zu Griechenland (im Wortlaut)

„The Eurogroup today took stock of
the state of play with the ongoing negotiations between the Greek authorities
and the institutions. We welcomed the progress that has been achieved so far. We
note that the reorganisation and streamlining of working procedures has made an
acceleration possible, and has contributed to a more substantial discussion. At
the same time, we acknowledged that more time and effort are needed to bridge
the gaps on the remaining open issues. We therefore welcome the intention of the
Greek authorities to accelerate their work with the institutions, with a view to
achieving a successful conclusion of the review in a timely fashion. The
Eurogroup reiterated that its statement of 20 February remains the valid
framework for the discussions. Once the institutions reach an agreement at staff
level on the conclusion of the current review, the Eurogroup will decide on the
possible disbursements of the funds outstanding under the current arrangement.“

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