
Fed: Ersteinschätzungen und Marktreaktionen zur US-Zinsanhebung

Bill Gross (einst PIMCO, jetzt Janus) auf CNBC: Fed wird Zinsen nur bis 2% erhöhen, und das wird 2 bis 3 Jahre brauchen

Avery Shenfeld (CIBC): „At first blush, this isn’t quite as dovish an outcome as some
might have expected given the unanimous vote and the lack of any downward move
in the 2016 dot plot, but there’s enough doubt about the pace of future
tightening to keep market responses muted for now“.

JP Morgan: „The Fed raised rates today for the first time
since 2006, lifting the funds rate target range to 0.25-0.50%. The interest rate
forecast „dots“ came down, but only slightly. The statement was generally dovish
in tone. In particular the FOMC stated that „In light of the current shortfall
of inflation from 2 percent, the Committee will carefully monitor actual and
expected progress toward its inflation goal.“ In view of its forecast of
inflation this implied „only gradual increases“ in the funds rate. In fact,
„gradual“ was noted twice in the statement.“

Märkte: bislang keine klare Richtung, Euro-Dollar erst runter, dann wieder rauf. Aktienmärkte erst runter dann rauf, dann wieder runter. Warten auf die PK von Janet Yellen

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