
US-Wirtschaft: Einkaufsmanagerindizes stark – aber hoher Inflationsdruck und Lieferengpässe

Soeben wurde die Einkaufsmanagerindizes für die USA (Markit PMI; Mai) veröffentlicht – einer der besten Gradmesser für die US-Wirtschaft:

Verarbeitendes Gewerbe: 61,5 (Prognose war 60,2; Vormonat war 60,5) – neuer Rekord!

Dienstleistung: 70,1 (Prognose war 64,5; Vormonat war 64,7) – neuer Rekord!

Gesamtindex: 68,1 (Vormonat war 64,7) – neuer Rekord!

Dazu schreibt Markit, das die Daten erhebt:

„The US economy saw a spectacular acceleration of growth in May, the rate of expansion of business activity soaring well above anything previously recorded in recent history as the economy continued to reopen from COVID19 restrictions. The service sector saw an especially impressive surge in growth, beating all prior records by a wide margin, accompanied by another solid expansion of manufacturing output. “Growth would have been even stronger had it not been for businesses often being constrained by supply shortages and difficulties filling vacancies. “With businesses optimistic about the outlook, backlogs of orders rising sharply and demand continuing to pick up both at home and in export markets, the scene is set for strong economic growth to persist through the summer. “The May survey also brings further concerns in relation to inflation, however, as the growth surge continued to result in ever-higher prices. Average selling prices for goods and services are both rising at unprecedented rates, which will feed through to higher consumer inflation in coming months.“

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