
Aktuell: US-Handelsbilanzdefizit für Dezember steigt noch stärker als erwartet

Soeben wurden die aktuellsten Daten für die US-Handelsbilanz (Monat Dezember) veröffentlicht. Das Defizit liegt bei -53,1 Milliarden Dollar. Im November lag das...


Soeben wurden die aktuellsten Daten für die US-Handelsbilanz (Monat Dezember) veröffentlicht. Das Defizit liegt bei -53,1 Milliarden Dollar. Im November lag das Defizit bei 50,4 Milliarden Dollar. Die Erwartungen für heute lagen bei -52 Milliarden Dollar. Das Problem: Die Exporte steigen zwar, aber die Importe eben noch schneller! Hier einige ganz frische Fakten von den US-Statistikern:

December exports were $203.4 billion, $3.5 billion more
than November exports. December imports were $256.5 billion, $6.2 billion more than November imports.

The December increase in the goods and services deficit reflected an increase in the goods deficit
of $2.6 billion to $73.3 billion and a decrease in the services surplus of $0.1 billion to $20.2

For 2017, the goods and services deficit increased $61.2 billion, or 12.1 percent, from 2016. Exports
increased $121.2 billion or 5.5 percent. Imports increased $182.5 billion or 6.7 percent.

Goods and Services Three-Month Moving Averages (Exhibit 2)

The average goods and services deficit increased $2.8 billion to $50.8 billion for the three months
ending in December.
* Average exports of goods and services increased $2.6 billion to $199.5 billion in December.
* Average imports of goods and services increased $5.4 billion to $250.3 billion in December.

Year-over-year, the average goods and services deficit increased $6.1 billion from the three months
ending in December 2016.
* Average exports of goods and services increased $12.8 billion from December 2016.
* Average imports of goods and services increased $19.0 billion from December 2016.

Exports of goods increased $3.4 billion to $137.5 billion in December.
Exports of goods on a Census basis increased $3.4 billion.
* Industrial supplies and materials increased $1.5 billion.
o Organic chemicals increased $0.2 billion.
o Fuel oil increased $0.2 billion.
* Capital goods increased $1.2 billion.
o Civilian aircraft increased $0.8 billion.
o Other industrial machines increased $0.7 billion.
Net balance of payments adjustments increased less than $0.1 billion.

Exports of services increased $0.1 billion to $65.9 billion in December.
* Travel (for all purposes including education) increased $0.1 billion.
* Maintenance and repair services increased $0.1 billion.
* Transport decreased $0.1 billion.

Imports (Exhibits 4, 6, and 8)

Imports of goods increased $6.0 billion to $210.8 billion in December.
Imports of goods on a Census basis increased $5.9 billion.
* Consumer goods increased $3.2 billion.
o Pharmaceutical preparations increased $1.8 billion.
o Cell phones and other household goods increased $1.7 billion.
* Automotive vehicles, parts, and engines increased $1.1 billion.
o Passenger cars increased $1.1 billion.
* Capital goods increased $0.8 billion.
Net balance of payments adjustments increased $0.1 billion.

Imports of services increased $0.3 billion to $45.7 billion in December.
* Travel (for all purposes including education) increased $0.2 billion.
* Charges for the use of intellectual property increased $0.1 billion.

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