
JP Morgan-Quartalszahlen: Gewinn deutlich schwächer, 7 Milliarden Dollar in Risikovorsorge

Soeben wurden die JP Morgan-Quartalszahlen veröffentlicht. Hier die wichtigsten Kennzahlen.

Der Umsatz liegt bei 29,1 Milliarden Dollar (Vorjahresquartal 29,85/Erwartungen 29,5). Der Gewinn liegt bei 0,78 Dollar pro Aktie (Vorjahresquartal 2,65/Erwartungen 1,85). Der Gewinn weicht deshalb so stark von den Erwartungen ab, weil JP Morgan 6,8 Milliarden Dollar in die Risikovorsorge für mögliche Kreditausfälle umgebucht hat. Das scheint mehr als nachvollziehbar, bei den zu erwartenden Ausfällen im Zuge der Coronakrise!

Die Aktie notiert vorbörslich mit +0,3 Prozent. Ist die Erleichterung groß, dass es nicht schlimmer gekommen ist? Wir meinen: Die „große Abrechnung“ kommt erst Ende des laufenden 2. Quartals, und vielleicht auch erst Ende des 3. Quartals, wenn nach und nach Kreditausfälle (durch die Coronakrise) in großem Umfang sichtbar werden, die sich in den Büchern der Banken niederschlagen.

Hier auszugsweise der interessantere Teil der aktuellen Aussagen von JP Morgan-Chef Jamie Dimon:

Dimon commented on the results: “The first quarter delivered some unprecedented challenges and required us to focus on what we as a bank could do – outside of our ordinary course of business – to remain strong, resilient and well-positioned to support all of our stakeholders. In Consumer & Community Banking, we have remained focused on meeting our customers’ needs. Approximately three quarters of our 5,000 branches have been open – all with heightened safety procedures and many with drive-through options – and the vast majority of our over 16,000 ATMs remain open. In March alone, we opened half a million new accounts for our card customers and extended over $6 billion of new and increased credit lines, and we were active in Home Lending and Auto. We lent over $500 million to small businesses in the month and we’re now actively supporting the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program. For the quarter, we continued to see flows into both client investment assets and deposits.”

Dimon continued: “We continued to support our wholesale clients throughout this challenging period, as they drew over $50 billion on their existing lines. We also provided over $25 billion of new credit extensions in March for companies most impacted by the crisis and helped our clients execute record Investment Grade bond issuances this quarter. In Commercial Banking, we partnered closely with clients on their liquidity needs, increasing loans $25 billion and deposits $40 billion in the quarter. The Corporate & Investment Bank turned in another solid quarter with record Markets revenue, as we helped clients navigate extremely tough and volatile market conditions, and we maintained our #1 rank in Global IB fees as clients turned to us for financing and advice. And in Asset & Wealth Management, we saw strong growth in both loans and deposits, we took in $75 billion in liquidity flows, and more importantly we proactively reached out and helped clients manage their risk. In addition, JPMorgan Chase made a $50 million commitment to help address the immediate humanitarian crisis, as well as the long-term economic challenges that the most vulnerable people face. And the firm announced a $150 million loan program to help community partners get capital to underserved small businesses and nonprofits, particularly in the hardest hit communities.”

Jamie Dimon. Foto: Steve Jurvetson Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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