
Aktuell: USA: ISM-Index schwächer


Der ISM-Index Dienstleistung ist mit 56,9 schwächer ausgefallen als erwartet (die Prognose lag bei 57,8). Im August hatte der ISM-Index Service noch bei 59 gelegen.

Hier die Unterkomponenten:

– ISM-Index Service Produktion September 60,2 (August: 63,9)

– ISM-Index Service Beschäftigung September 58,3 (August: 56,0)

– ISM-Index Service Preise September 48,4 (August: 50,8)

– ISM-Index Service Auftragseingang September 56,7 (August: 63,4)

Fazit: Alle Unterkomponenten bis auf Beschäftigung schwächer als im August!

In einer ersten Reaktion kommt der Dollar leicht unter Druck, der Dax gibt einen kleinen Teil seiner Gewinne wieder ab..

Hier der Text zum ISM:

„Registered 56.9 percent in September, 2.1 percentage
points lower than the August reading of 59 percent. This represents continued
growth in the non-manufacturing sector at a slower rate. The Non-Manufacturing
Business Activity Index decreased to 60.2 percent, which is 3.7 percentage
points lower than the August reading of 63.9 percent, reflecting growth for the
74th consecutive month at a slower rate. The New Orders Index registered 56.7
percent, 6.7 percentage points lower than the reading of 63.4 percent in August.
The Employment Index increased 2.3 percentage points to 58.3 percent from the
August reading of 56 percent and indicates growth for the 19th consecutive
month. The Prices Index -2.4 from 50.8 percent to 48.4, indicating prices
decreased in September for the first time since Feb. 13 non-manufacturing
industries reported growth in September. There has been a cooling off in the
rate of growth during the month of September. Also, the trend of lower costs and
little pricing power continues as reflected in the contraction of the pricing
index. Overall, espondents continue to remain positive about current business

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