
Es ist offiziell: Brexit-Note überreicht – UPDATE 14:07 Uhr mit Originaltext und EU-Reaktion

Es ist vollbracht. Der britische EU-Botschafter hat den offiziellen Brief mit der Austrittserklärung Großbritanniens aus der EU soeben in Brüssel an EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk...


Es ist vollbracht. Der britische EU-Botschafter hat den offiziellen Brief mit der Austrittserklärung Großbritanniens aus der EU soeben in Brüssel an EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk übergeben. Hier die wichtigsten Infos.

Von nun an laufen die zwei Jahre Verhandlungsfrist. Laut Theresa May, die bis gerade eben im britischen Parlament sprach, werde man nicht mehr Mitglied im EU-Binnenmarkt sein. Man strebe ein Freihandelsabkommen mit der EU an (also wie vorher bereits angekündigt). Das britische Pfund war heute früh gegen den US-Dollar auf unter 1,24 gefallen. Jetzt zum Zeitpunkt der Brexit-Verkündung gibt es keine Bewegung, der Kurs liegt momentan ruhig bei 1,2459. Jetzt wartet man auf offiziell verkündete Texte der Regierung, und ob daraus eventuell weitere Details zum Brexit hervorgehen. Sobald diese offiziellen Texte vorliegen, sehen Sie diese hier in diesem Artikel.

UPDATE 14:03 Uhr:

Hier der Austrittstext im Originalwortlaut, soeben veröffentlicht durch die britische Regierung:

On 23 June last year, the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. As I have said before, that decision was no rejection of the values we share as fellow Europeans. Nor was it an attempt to do harm to the European Union or any of the remaining member states. On the contrary, the United Kingdom wants the European Union to succeed and prosper. Instead, the referendum was a vote to restore, as we see it, our national self-determination. We are leaving the European Union, but we are not leaving Europe – and we want to remain committed partners and allies to our friends across the continent.

Earlier this month, the United Kingdom Parliament confirmed the result of the referendum by voting with clear and convincing majorities in both of its Houses for the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill. The Bill was passed by Parliament on 13 March and it received Royal Assent from Her Majesty The Queen and became an Act of Parliament on 16 March.

Today, therefore, I am writing to give effect to the democratic decision of the people of the United Kingdom. I hereby notify the European Council in accordance with Article 50(2) of the Treaty on European Union of the United Kingdom’s intention to withdraw from the European Union. In addition, in accordance with the same Article 50(2) as applied by Article 106a of the Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, I hereby notify the European Council of the United Kingdom’s intention to withdraw from the European Atomic Energy Community. References in this letter to the European Union should therefore be taken to include a reference to the European Atomic Energy Community.

This letter sets out the approach of Her Majesty’s Government to the discussions we will have about the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union and about the deep and special partnership we hope to enjoy – as your closest friend and neighbour – with the European Union once we leave. We believe that these objectives are in the interests not only of the United Kingdom but of the European Union and the wider world too.

It is in the best interests of both the United Kingdom and the European Union that we should use the forthcoming process to deliver these objectives in a fair and orderly manner, and with as little disruption as possible on each side. We want to make sure that Europe remains strong and prosperous and is capable of projecting its values, leading in the world, and defending itself from security threats. We want the United Kingdom, through a new deep and special partnership with a strong European Union, to play its full part in achieving these goals. We therefore believe it is necessary to agree the terms of our future partnership alongside those of our withdrawal from the European Union.

The Government wants to approach our discussions with ambition, giving citizens and businesses in the United Kingdom and the European Union – and indeed from third countries around the world – as much certainty as possible, as early as possible.

I would like to propose some principles that may help to shape our coming discussions, but before I do so, I should update you on the process we will be undertaking at home, in the United Kingdom.

UPDATE 14:07 Uhr:

Hier die offizielle Reaktion des Europäischen Rates:

Today, the European Council received a letter from the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, notifying the United Kingdom’s intention to leave the European Union. This notification follows the referendum of 23 June 2016 and starts the withdrawal process under Article 50 of the Treaty. We regret that the United Kingdom will leave the European Union, but we are ready for the process that we now will have to follow.

For the European Union, the first step will now be the adoption of guidelines for the negotiations by the European Council. These guidelines will set out the overall positions and principles in light of which the Union, represented by the European Commission, will negotiate with the United Kingdom.

In these negotiations the Union will act as one and preserve its interests. Our first priority will be to minimise the uncertainty caused by the decision of the United Kingdom for our citizens, businesses and Member States. Therefore, we will start by focusing on all key arrangements for an orderly withdrawal.

We will approach these talks constructively and strive to find an agreement. In the future, we hope to have the United Kingdom as a close partner.

President Tusk has convened the European Council on 29 April 2017.

14:27 Uhr: Weitere Details zur heutigen Brexit-Erklärung besprechen wir später in einem neuen Artikel auf

Der Union Jack. Ab demnächst wieder außerhalb der EU.

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