
EU-Industrieproduktion leicht positiv, in Deutschland schwach


Die Industrieproduktion in der EU ist im November im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat um 1,4% gestiegen. In Deutschland ist sie aber um 0,3% gefallen. Ein relativ schwacher Wert. Mit zweistelligen Wachstumsraten hervorpreschen tun Irland und die Slowakei. Auf Monatsbasis fällt die Industrieproduktion in der EU von Oktober auf November 2015 um 0,6%, in Deutschland um 0,5%.

Die Prozent-Veränderungen beziehen sich alle auf einen Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat. Quelle: Eurostat

Quelle: Eurostat

Die Gesamtmeldung im Original:

Monthly comparison by main industrial grouping and by Member State

The decrease of 0.7% in industrial production in the euro area in November 2015, compared with October 2015, is due to production of energy falling by 4.3%, capital goods by 1.9% and durable consumer goods by 1.0%, while production of non-durable consumer goods rose by 0.1% and intermediate goods by 0.7%.
In the EU28, the decrease of 0.6% is due to production of energy falling by 3.5%, capital goods by 1.3%, durable consumer goods by 0.3% and non-durable consumer goods by 0.1%, while production of intermediate goods rose by 0.5%. Among Member States for which data are available, the largest decreases in industrial production were registered in Portugal (-4.9%), Malta (-3.7%), the Netherlands (-3.1%), Estonia and Lithuania (both -2.6%), and the highest increases in Greece (+3.3%) and Slovakia (+1.9%).

Annual comparison by main industrial grouping and by Member State

The increase of 1.1% in industrial production in the euro area in November 2015, compared with November 2014, is due to production of intermediate goods rising by 2.1%, durable consumer goods by 1.7% and both capital goods and non-durable consumer goods by 1.2%, while production of energy fell by 2.8%. In the EU28, the increase of 1.4% is due to production of capital goods rising by 2.0%, intermediate goods by
1.8%, durable consumer goods by 1.7% and non-durable consumer goods by 0.8%, while production of energy fell by 1.2%. Among Member States for which data are available, the highest increases in industrial production were registered in Ireland (+14.2%), Slovakia (+11.9%) and Hungary (+7.1%), and the largest decreases in the Netherlands (-8.0%) and Estonia (-6.2%).

Quelle: Eurostat

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