
Microsoft-Quartalszahlen besser – Aktie dennoch deutlich im Minus

Microsoft auf Laptop

Die Microsoft-Quartalszahlen wurden soeben veröffentlicht. Hier die wichtigsten Kennzahlen.

Der Umsatz liegt bei 46,2 Milliarden Dollar (Vorjahresquartal 38,03/für heute erwartet 44,1).

Der Gewinn liegt bei 2,10 Dollar pro Aktie (Vorjahresquartal 1,46/erwartet 1,90).

Microsoft will erst im Earnings Call einen Ausblick geben auf die weitere Entwwicklung – vielleicht ein Grund für die nachbörsliche Schwäche..

Die Aktie notiert nachbörslich mit -3,4%

Hier die Headline-Aussage von Microsoft im Wortlaut – es ist vor allem das Cloud-Geschäft, das die Gewinne bringt:

„Microsoft Cloud Strength Fuels Fourth Quarter Results“

“We are innovating across the technology stack to help organizations drive new levels of tech intensity across their business,” said Satya Nadella, chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft. “Our results show that when we execute well and meet customers’ needs in differentiated ways in large and growing markets, we generate growth, as we’ve seen in our commercial cloud – and in new franchises we’ve built, including gaming, security, and LinkedIn, all of which surpassed $10 billion in annual revenue over the past three years.”

“As we closed out the fiscal year, our sales teams and partners delivered a strong quarter with over 20% top and bottom-line growth, highlighted by commercial bookings growth of 30% year over year,” said Amy Hood, executive vice president and chief financial officer of Microsoft. “Our commercial cloud revenue grew 36% year over year to $19.5 billion.”

Die Geschäftsbereiche:

· Office Commercial products and cloud services revenue increased 20% (up 15% in constant currency) driven by Office 365 Commercial revenue growth of 25% (up 20% in constant currency)

· Office Consumer products and cloud services revenue increased 18% (up 15% in constant currency) and Microsoft 365 Consumer subscribers increased to 51.9 million

· LinkedIn revenue increased 46% (up 42% in constant currency) driven by Marketing Solutions growth of 97% (up 91% in constant currency)

· Dynamics products and cloud services revenue increased 33% (up 26% in constant currency) driven by Dynamics 365 revenue growth of 49% (up 42% in constant currency)

Revenue in Intelligent Cloud was $17.4 billion and increased 30% (up 26% in constant currency), with the following business highlights:

· Server products and cloud services revenue increased 34% (up 29% in constant currency) driven by Azure revenue growth of 51% (up 45% in constant currency)

Revenue in More Personal Computing was $14.1 billion and increased 9% (up 6% in constant currency), with the following business highlights:

· Windows OEM revenue decreased 3%

· Windows Commercial products and cloud services revenue increased 20% (up 14% in constant currency)

· Xbox content and services revenue decreased 4% (down 7% in constant currency)

· Search advertising revenue excluding traffic acquisition costs increased 53% (up 49% in constant currency)

· Surface revenue decreased 20% (down 23% in constant currency)

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