
Verbrauchervertrauen Uni Michigan deutlich schwächer – Inflationserwartung steigt


Das Verbrauchervertrauen der Uni Michigan ist für den Monat Mai soeben mit 82,8 deutlich schlechter ausgefallen als erwartet (Prognose 90,4 Vormonat war 88,3).

Die Inflationserwartungen für das nächste Jahr liegen bei 4,6 Prozent (Vormonat 3,4).

Die Einschätzung der aktuellen Lage liegt bei 90,8 (Vormonat 97,2)

Die Konsumentenerwartung liegt bei 77,6 (Vormonat 82,7)

Dazu schreibt Richard Curtin, der die Umfrage verantwortet:

Consumer confidence in early May tumbled due to higher inflation–the highest expected year-ahead inflation rate as well as the highest long term inflation rate in the past decade. Rising inflation also meant that real income expectations were the weakest in five years. The average of net price mentions for buying conditions for homes, vehicles, and household durables were more negative than any time since the end of the last inflationary era in 1980 (see the chart). Importantly, consumer spending will still advance despite higher prices due to pent-up demand and record saving balances. This combination of persistent demand in the face of rising prices creates the potential for an inflationary psychology, fostering buy-in-advance rationales and cost-of-living increases in wages. At present, these rationales remain relatively uncommon, and the power of corrective economic policies is now relatively potent. Policy commitments to establish full employment while allowing inflation to meaningfully rise have never been attempted with the additional micro goals of equity and fairness across population subgroups. Shifting policy language and even minor rate increases could douse inflationary psychology. Indeed, such a policy would be consistent with consumer expectations since two-thirds expect a rate hike in the year ahead. It should be no surprise that consumers anticipate a booming economy over the next year or so, including rapid job gains as well as increases in the inflation rate and interest rates. Indeed, consumers think these economic prospects are the natural result of stimulating an economic boom from last year’s shutdown.

source: tradingeconomics.com

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