Highlights der Aussagen von Janet Yellen heute (unkommentiert):
Yellen: „I think this extraordinary commitment (to encourage growth) is still needed and will be for some time, and I believe that view is widely shared by my fellow policymakers at the Fed.“
Yellen: „Most of my colleagues on FOMC and I estimate that the unemployment rate consistent with maximum sustainable employment is now between 5.2% and 5.6%, well below the 6.7% rate in Feb.“
Yellen: „considerable slack in the economy and the labor market“, „US economy is still considerably short
of the two goals“ – (employment and Inflation)
Yellen: „the job market is tougher now than in any recession“
Yellen: „In this context, recent steps by the Fed to reduce the rate of new securities purchases are not a lessening of this commitment, only a judgment that recent progress in the labor market means our aid for the recovery need not grow as quickly. Earlier this month, the Fed reiterated its Overall commitment to maintain extraordinary support for the recovery for some time to come. This commitment is strong, and I believe the Fed’s policies will continue to help sustain progress in the job market. But the scars from the Great Recession remain, and reaching our goals will take time.“
Yellen: „Pool of 7m people who work part time and want full-time jobs is much larger than should be expected at 6.7% unemployment rate; this is sign that labor conditions are worse than unemployment rate indicates“
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