Aber Vormonat nach oben revidiert Arbeitsmarkt USA: JOLTs schwächer als erwartet

Wahrscheinlichkeit für Rezession steigt


Neue Daten auch vom Arbeitsmarkt der USA: Die JOLTS (angebotene Stellen in den USA im März) liegen mit 9,59 Millionen unter der Erwartung (Prognose war 9,775 Millionen; Vormonat war 9,931 Millionen, nun auf 9,974 Millionen nach oben revidiert ). Damit gibt es aber nach wie vor 1,64 Mal so viele offene Stellen wie offiziell Arbeitslose in den USA  – für die US-Notenbank Fed also kein Grund, die Zinsen nicht weiter zu erhöhen..

Die JOLTs sind vor allem deshalb von Bedeutung, weil Fed-Chef Powell zur Begründung der Zinsanhebungen immer wieder auf die offenen Stellen und damit den robusten US-Arbeitsmarkt verwiesen hatte. Damit gibt es aber nach wie vor fast doppelt so viele offene Stellen wie offiziell Arbeitslose in den USA – für die US-Notenbank Fe also kein Grund, die Zinsen nicht weiter zu erhöhen.

Marktreaktion: US-Aktienmärkte etwas schwächer, Dollar und US-Renditen dagegen schwächer..

Dazu schreibt das Bureau of Labor Statistics, das die Daten erhebt:

The number of job openings decreased to 9.6 million on the last business day of March, the U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the month, the number of hires and total separations were little
changed at 6.1 million and 5.9 million, respectively. Within separations, quits (3.9 million) changed
little, while layoffs and discharges (1.8 million) increased. This release includes estimates of the number
and rate of job openings, hires, and separations for the total nonfarm sector, by industry, and by
establishment size class.

Job Openings

On the last business day of March, the number of job openings decreased to 9.6 million
(-384,000) and was 1.6 million lower than in December. The job openings rate was 5.8 percent in March
and was down by 1.0 percentage point since December. In March, job openings decreased in
transportation, warehousing, and utilities (-144,000) but increased in educational services (+28,000).
(See table 1.)


In March, the number of hires was little changed at 6.1 million, and the rate held at 4.0 percent. Hires
decreased in real estate and rental and leasing (-29,000). (See table 2.)


Total separations include quits, layoffs and discharges, and other separations. Quits are generally
voluntary separations initiated by the employee. Therefore, the quits rate can serve as a measure of
workers’ willingness or ability to leave jobs. Layoffs and discharges are involuntary separations initiated
by the employer. Other separations include separations due to retirement, death, disability, and transfers
to other locations of the same firm.

The number of total separations changed little at 5.9 million in March, and the rate was 3.8 percent for
the fourth month in a row. Over the month, the number of total separations decreased in accommodation
and food services (-107,000) but increased in construction (+104,000). (See table 3.)

In March, the number and rate of quits changed little at 3.9 million and 2.5 percent, respectively. The
number of quits decreased in accommodation and food services (-178,000). (See table 4.)

In March, the number and rate of layoffs and discharges increased to 1.8 million (+248,000) and 1.2
percent, respectively. Layoffs and discharges increased in construction (+112,000), accommodation and
food services (+63,000), and health care and social assistance (+42,000). (See table 5.)

The number of other separations was little changed in March at 276,000. Other separations decreased
in finance and insurance (-31,000) and in real estate and rental and leasing (-7,000). (See table 6.)

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