Die wichtigsten Aussagen der US-Notenbank Fed in ihrem FOMC-Protokoll – Schlagzeilen aus der letzten Sitzung (27./28.April):
– einige Mitglieder sehen Start der Diskussion über Tapering in den nächsten Sitziungen (FMW: Bums! Aktienmärkte not amused!)
„A number of participants suggested that if the economy continued to make rapid progress toward the Committee’s goals, it might be appropriate at some point in upcoming meetings to begin discussing a plan for adjusting the pace“
– Asset-Preise und Realwirtschaft: „A couple of participants remarked that, should investor risk appetite fall, an associated drop in asset prices coupled with high business and financial leverage could have adverse implications for the real economy.“
– es wird noch einige Zeit dauern bis substantieller Fortschritt erreicht ist
– Abwärtsrisiken für Wirtschaft wegen Virus-Mutatioen: „risks to the baseline projection for economic activity were skewed to the downside and that the uncertainty around the forecast was elevated. In particular, despite the demonstrated resilience of the economy to surges in the pandemic over the past year, the possibility that COVID-19 variants that were more contagious or more resistant to existing vaccines would spread posed a salient downside risk.“
Das FOMC-Protokoll im Wortlaut lesen Sie hier..
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