
JP Morgan-Quartalszahlen: Russland-Auswirkung, 30 Milliarden Aktienrückkauf

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Soeben wurden die JP Morgan-Quartalszahlen veröffentlicht. Hier die wichtigsten Kennzahlen.

Der Umsatz liegt bei 31,59 Milliarden Dollar (Vorjahresquartal 33,1/Erwartungen für heute 30,9).

Der Gewinn liegt bei 2,63 Dollar pro Aktie (Vorjahresquartal 4,50/Erwartungen für heute 2,69).

Wichtig: JP Morgan hat ein neues Programm zum Rückkauf von Stammaktien in Höhe von 30 Milliarden US-Dollar mit Wirkung zum 1. Mai 2022 aufgelegt!


Die Aktie notiert vorbörslich mit -0,6 Prozent.

Kreditanpassungen & Sonstiges brachten eine Belastung von 524 Millionen Dollar, die durch die Ausweitung der Refinanzierungsspreads sowie durch Kreditbewertungsanpassungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Anstieg der Rohstoffrisiken und und Abschlägen bei Derivatforderungen gegenüber mit Russland verbundenen Gegenparteien entstanden.

Die Rückstellung für Kreditverluste belief sich auf 445 Millionen Dollar und spiegelt eine Nettorückstellungsbildung wider. Die Rückstellung des Vorjahres war ein Nettovorteil von 331 Millionen Dollar, was eine Nettoauflösung von Reserven widerspiegelt.

CEO Jamie Dimon sagt offiziell im Zuge dieser Quartalszahlen, im Wortlaut:

Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, commented on the financial results: “JPMorgan Chase generated a healthy $30 billion of revenue, $8.3 billion of earnings and an ROTCE of 16% in the first quarter after adding $902 million in credit reserves largely due to higher probabilities of downside risks. Lending strength continued with average firmwide loans up 5% while credit losses are still at historically low levels. We remain optimistic on the economy, at least for the short term – consumer and business balance sheets as well as consumer spending remain at healthy levels – but see significant geopolitical and economic challenges ahead due to high inflation, supply chain issues and the war in Ukraine.”

Dimon continued: “In Consumer & Community Banking, deposits were up 18% and client investment assets were up 9%, largely driven by positive net flows. Combined debit and credit card spend was up 21% as we continue to see a pick-up in credit card spending on travel and dining. Card loan balances were up 11% but remain below prepandemic levels. Auto loans were up 3% but the lack of vehicle supply continues to affect originations which were down 25%. In Home Lending, originations of $25 billion were down 37%, primarily due to the rising rate environment. In the Corporate & Investment Bank, we maintained our #1 ranking in Global Investment Banking although fees were down 31% due to lower equity and debt underwriting activity. Markets revenue was down 3% compared to a record first quarter last year. Commercial Banking loans were up 2% and we are seeing a pick-up in both new loan demand as well as revolver utilization. Asset & Wealth Management delivered strong results as we saw positive inflows into long-term products of $19 billion across all channels, as well as continued strong loan growth, up 14%, primarily driven by securities-based lending.”

Dimon added: “Our financial discipline, constant investment in innovation and ongoing development of our people are what enabled us to persevere in our steadfast dedication to help clients, communities and countries throughout the world even in difficult times. In the quarter, we extended credit and raised capital of $640 billion for large and small businesses, governments and U.S. consumers. Our longstanding capital hierarchy remains the same – first and foremost, to invest in and grow our market-leading businesses; second, to pay a sustainable competitive dividend; and then, to return any remaining excess capital to shareholders through stock buybacks.” Dimon concluded: “Our focus this quarter remained on helping our clients navigate difficult markets and unpredictable events, which included working with governments to implement economic sanctions of unprecedented complexity. While our company will continue to deal with this global turmoil, our hearts go out to the extreme suffering of the Ukrainian people and to all of those affected by the war.”

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